Finishing the “rest” of the CNC machine. This was my first time building a CNC machine and I have already figured out some improvements i’m going to do to it. […]
Build video number 2. I mount the stepper motors and the lead screws with anti backlash nut and mounted ball bearings. I prepare the y-axis for the next episode. If […]
Build video number 1. In this video I build the base for the CNC machine and the supported rails for the X-axis. everything is built out of wood. Watch the […]
I’m trying to figure out how to connect and control my stepper motors on my DIY CNC machine. Going through the prosess of connecting the Arduino UNO to the PC […]
I’m trying to make my initial design in Sketchup. The design is not made in exact measurements but is ment to be used as a direction or inspiration on how […]
I want to build my own CNC machine from scratch and this is what I start with. Learning how to control the stepper motors and the Arduino UNO CNC hield. […]
I had to change the windshield on my 1979 Bronco. Follow the journey I took to complete this big job 🙂 I hope sometime in the future I will get […]
Testing out my Gopro with the chest harness. Driving in my “hood” the Woods of Norway. Driving in Mylla, Roa and Grua. Nice day for driving! Enjoy 🙂 Please let […]
I had to change my radiator after putting the Ford 460 engine in the Bronco. The radiator is a 4-core aluminium radiator, one of the cheap ones with good quality […]