It’s finally time to start the Ceramics 3D-Printer build! This is going to be an exiting project where I expect to learn a lot. In this first part of the […]
Category: Stepper Motor
The fans in my Creality CR10 mini 3D-printers control box was getting quite noisy (3 fans). One of the fans also had a faulty bearing. So I decided to change […]
My old stepper motor mounting brackets are just two angle iron mounts I found when making the machine. They have worked great but they have been wobbly and unstable. So […]
Design in Fusion 360 and toolpath video: I’m finally finished upgrading my DIY CNC gantry! I mounted new supported rails on the z-axis and a new Makita RT0700C spindle. […]
I finally manage to assemble the camera slider and get it working. for a long time I had problems with the electronics. this problem is now solved and the slider […]
In this series I embark on building a 2-axis motorized camera slider with sliding and panning of the camera. The slider will be controlled by a Arduino NANO and […]
I explain how I use gcode files and set the zero point with the Universal g-code sender (UGS Platform from GitHUB). This is not the most efficient way but […]
I’m using my CNC machine to carve out the pieces I need for the electronics box. I use the CAM function in Fusion360 to export the g-codes. Then […]
It’s time to wire up the stepper motors permanently and mounting the plastic cable drag chain on all the axis of the CNC machine. I’m using shielded cables […]
I try to explain for the normal person how microstepping will effect your 3d printer, CNC machine or other machines using a steppermotor. I show you how to calculate steps […]
Wiring Diagrams: I have gotten a few questions from some of you asking me how to clone one axis out on the “A” controller on the CNC shield for […]
Download the wire diagrams as one .pdf file: TB6560 and Arduino UNO wiring diagram.pdf Figuring out how to connect the TB 6560 to the Arduino UNO using GRBL g-code […]