I build the first lift mechanism design and figure out what works and what does not work 🙂 DIY Table Saw build series: #1: https://youtu.be/fef8vz4DaEM #2: https://youtu.be/rlSCO2XgK7Y #3: TBA #? […]
Category: Installation
Unpacking, assembling and testing the Tormek SVS-50 Multi Jig on my Tormek T-4 Water Cooled sharpening System Machine. I try the jig and grind a scew chisel, a roughing gouge […]
Unpacking, mounting and trying out the SVX-150 Scissors Jig for the Tormek water cooled sharpening system. Check out the Jigs website: https://www.tormek.com/uk/en/grinding-jigs/svx-150-scissors-jig/ P.S: Remember that I’m a newbee at sharpening […]
Unpacking and Assembly of the Tormek T-4 Water Cooled Sharpening System. This is the base model and I give it a grinding / sharpening test 🙂 Tormek Website: http://www.tormek.com Community:Website: https://goo.gl/9wZcs1Instagram: https://goo.gl/1TnxKWFacebook: https://goo.gl/H7L72EPatreon: https://goo.gl/5pm5qsTwitter: https://goo.gl/fzWWcA
Doing some experiments on the extruder assembly for the 3D-printer. In this episode I focus on the Clay Container part of he extruder. Since this is “controlled” by air pressure […]
How I installed and configured my EleksLaser according to the installation guide. Click here for manufacturers instructions: https://wiki.eleksmaker.com .:| Laser Machine used in this video |:. EleksMaker® EleksLaser-A3 Pro 2500mW […]